When you export a People search from LinkedIn using Lix, your export will look something like this:
Some of these columns are fairly self-explanatory, but others are less so. Let's go through the columns that you might not understand at first-glance.
Email DIscovered
This is the email generated by Lix's Email Finder. You can read more about how it works, here. In order for Lix to find emails, you'll need to have the Email Finder switched on when you select your export options on the Lix toolbar
Deliverability Status
Emails in your export will either be classified as Valid, or Probable.
Any email listed as Valid has passed our email validation checks and we can say with 98% certainty that it will deliver. We validate emails via a number of tests and checks that you can read about, here.
Probable emails are just that - probable. We've run deliverability tests on them and it's likely this is the individual's email, but we just can't be 98% sure that it'll deliver. They're still great for outreach, in fact we advise using an 80-20 split of Valid & Probable emails.
Also, it's important to note that you'll only ever be charged for emails marked Valid - Probable emails are free.
Email type
This columns tells you whether this email is the business email for the individual, or a catch-all for their company. Catch-alls are a great way to reach a team when a direct email isn't available.
Seniority & Job Function
This data is not explicitly listed in the People search results on LinkedIn, but generated by AI. Utilising our world-class database, our machine learning models are trained to recognise cues in profile text and social interactions in order to categorise users by job function and ascertain their seniority level.