

  1. To begin using LIX you will need to login to your LinkedIn account and perform a regular "People" search. Choose the filters you need.
  2. The LIX search exporter panel will open up. Here you can select your options for the export.
  3. Under Project click  "Create New Project".  
  4. Now click "LIX-IT!"
  5. You'll receive an email with instructions on how to download your export.
  6. Next, repeat the steps above for your 2nd export, choosing the filters you need.
  7. Now, click on the Project. A dropdown list will appear and you'll need to select the Project you created earlier.
  8. Click "LIX-IT!"
  9. To export your completed list export you'll need to click on "open project". This will take you to to your Project page.
  10. This will take you to a dialogue box, where you can now select whether you wish to export the people that have email addresses, which file type and data points you want to use. 
  11. Review your options and make sure you have all that you want.
  12. Go ahead and click "Export".
  13. You'll receive an email with instructions on how to download your completed list export.

And here you have them, your merged lists!